Thick and thin packaging

Nitroglycerin was taken at the hospital but it was a bit nerve-racking. The pill bottle contains 100 capsules, which means that it can handle one hundred emergencies. It is obviously a bit redundant. Medication instructions printed on the bottle, but the bottle is very small, the diameter of the index finger, the only high inch inch, the bottle of captions, more like the legendary "hair on the lettering", wear reading glasses can not see, there must be With a magnifying glass you can barely see one or two. In the past, I heard that there were rice seeds carved on the rice kernels and they were passed on as stunts. Now that the printing industry is well developed, it can be printed on the area of ​​one centimeter square. This does not mean that our people’s eyesight has been greatly improved and their eyes are not only bright. , And have become a magnifying glass?

It is said that such drugs are inexpensive and unprofitable. However, as a first-aid medicine, packaging is so simple and inconvenient. Two weeks in his pocket, the “micrograss description” on the bottle was even more vague. No one but myself knew what medicine it was.

Why can't pharmaceutical companies consider improving the packaging of such emergency medicines from the perspective of facilitating patients? Otherwise, in the event of an emergency, if someone needs help with medication, I believe most people are powerless in the face of this "microcarving" explanation.

These days, as a control, you see the luxurious packaging of moon cakes. Before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the rubbish was busy picking up the mooncake boxes and selling them as waste paper boxes.

However, over the past ten years, the business community has successfully spoiled moon cakes. As for the price of moon cakes, everyone said that they couldn't read it, and I didn't understand it. It is said that no matter what raw materials are used, the cost of a pound of moon cake is at least 30-40 yuan, but now there are moon cakes with a price of more than 100,000 yuan. In previous years, merchants placed gold rings inside. Later they heard that there were cameras and video cameras in moon cake boxes. This is really imaginative. There is crazy public spending, there are public bribery and bribery, these are still just a small skill.

The Soviet style moon cakes that were eaten for an hour had Zhang Xiaofang’s paper in the filling of the pie. When he was eating, he entered the mouth without paying attention. The elementary school teacher said that the peasants rioted in the Yuan Dynasty and wrote the day of the event on paper, sandwiched between the cakes, and sent it to Comrade Uprising. Everyone eats bread and eats a piece of paper. This said at the time we were skeptical: Is there any important thing that comrades bite between their ears? Do you get caught in the pie in black and white?

Later, it may be the requirements of modern hygiene. The small piece of paper came out of the moon cake and was placed on the moon cake. Now it is gone. The packaging of moon cakes is more and more elaborate, and it is even more delicate than the packaging of crafts. The boxes of moon cakes sent by the friends were like relics, and ancient coins were hung on the boxes. I think that if you really re-engrave the "intelligence paper", then the bosses will certainly think of clipped into the banknote, but the lira does not need to be a euro or check.

In our country, we cannot hope to legislate, but there are laws but they do not follow, and it is also a social illness. The packaging of moon cakes seems to have been stipulated in the previous year. However, there are so many manufacturers who ignore them and intensify their efforts to continue the luxury packaging. No country in the world wastes the packaging of a food to this point. A resource-poor country is so extravagant that the society is numb and uncomfortable. It is very dangerous.

Reasonably packaged to facilitate consumers and form a good business order is not a difficult task at all.

The Chinese are willing to spend a lot of resources and have a lot of brains to make great efforts in packaging mooncakes. Although such efforts are only for one day, it will be even more profligate than the richest country on Earth. Of course, I don’t think I need to compare the packaging of the vials, or look at our book bindings. It’s like a “developing country”, but many books are going to be used for the first time.

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