The latest invention uses sugar to make plastic

Usually we use plastic-butadiene, which is made of petroleum and natural gas. A team of three US university scientists has made these materials more environmentally friendly.
The team combined our recently discovered catalysts with new exciting chemistry and found the first high-yielding, low-cost butadiene production methods. "This research can change the billions of dollars in the plastic and rubber industries."
Butadiene is the main chemical component in a wide range of social materials. When such a four-carbon molecule undergoes a chemical reaction to form a long chain called a polymer, styrene-butadiene rubber ( SBR ) is formed , which is used to make a wear-resistant tire. When blended into nitrile rubber ( NBR ), it becomes a key component for hoses, seals and rubber gloves that are ubiquitous in the medical environment.
The team’s success comes from the idea of ​​combining new catalytic material research with new chemical methods. "This is a good example. The number of research teams is greater than its part."
Making plastics from sugar
New chemistry includes a three-step process starting with biomass-derived sugars. Using the technology developed by CCEI , the team converted sugar to a cyclic compound called furfural. In the second step, the team further processed furfural into another ring compound called tetrahydrofuran ( THF ).
The third step of the team found a breakthrough in chemical manufacturing technology. In the new catalyst developed by the center, "Phosphorous Silicon Zeolite," the team was able to convert THF to butadiene in high yield (greater than 95 %) .
The wisdom of the team of scientists, plastic materials will soon become more green in the future.
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