Photoshop system optimization tips

Set virtual memory

Right-click "My Computer", select the "Properties" option, open the "System Properties" window, in the "Performance" tab "virtual memory" select "user-specified virtual memory settings." Specify the virtual memory of the hard disk, such as the C drive; then set the maximum and minimum values ​​of the virtual memory to the same value. If your physical memory is 64MB, set it to 160, and set the 128MB to 320 (the value is usually 2.5 times the actual physical memory).

Do not load too many programs when booting

Click the "Start" button, select "Run" option, enter the msconfig command in the dialog box that appears, select the "Startup" tab, in addition to the memory management program "SystemTray", check the check box in front of other programs Remove all and restart your computer.

Set up a virtual disk

Perform Edit/Preference/Plugin-Ins & Scratch Disks in the PS menu. Set the PS virtual disk drive in the Scratch Disks field. The settings in a temporary disk should not be consistent with the disk letter of Windows virtual memory. PS6's first temporary disk space must be large, but also when the disk defragmentation program commonly used to organize the hard disk.

Set the number of cache levels

In the PS menu, perform Edit/Preference/Memory and Image Cache. In the Cache Levels file box, set the cache level used by the PS. The higher the speed at which the PS runs, the higher the 128MB can be set to 8, and the 64MB memory can be set to the value of 4 to 6. The 32MB memory can only use the default value of the PS. In order to speed up the speed of the PS, at the same time in the Used by Photoshop option, the value is set to 80%, that is, about 80% of the physical memory is supplied to the PS.

Cancel watermark detection

In the PS filter there is a tool called watermark (Digimarc), which is used to embed and scan whether the document contains a watermark of the copyright information. The watermark is detected every time we turn on the image PS. Canceling the watermark detection function can obviously speed up the file opening. In the “Plug-Ins” subdirectory under the PS directory, there is a “Digimarc” subdirectory, select it and delete it.

Clear memory data

Open the “Purge” under the “Edit” menu. This command is mainly used to clear the memory data, because the user must do all the “restore, cut, copy” and all the actions in the history palette. If you store a part of the data in memory, the processing speed of the computer will slow down. In this case, you can select the corresponding command under the Purge menu item to clear the useless data.

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