Health product bottle packaging to refine

For health products market, our understanding is often too general. In fact, the market targeted by health products is differentiated. It targets the elderly and children's markets and has a market for men and women. The types of health products included are also varied. Therefore, we believe that the current health product bottle design and packaging are too single, it is necessary to refer to the cosmetic bottle packaging, use different appearance of the health product bottle for different user groups and functions.

The sales of health products often have different time periods. The annual high school entrance examinations, as well as Mid-Autumn Festival and spring season are the sales peaks. Moreover, the types of health products sold on different holidays are also different. For example, the middle school entrance examination is targeted at young people's health care products. The Mid-Autumn Festival for the Spring Festival is aimed at the elderly gift market. Therefore, on the one hand, health care bottle manufacturers must adjust product production time in a timely manner, according to different downstream sales season to adjust the product's production schedule. On the other hand, the different types of demand for health products in different markets are different, so the sales of products can be targeted.

We believe that the health care product market will become more and more refined in the future, and health care bottle packaging will also be refined.

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