Brazil Invents New Method for Recycling Reinforced Packaging Materials

Eight researchers from the Parana Polytechnic Institute in Brazil recently jointly developed a new method for recycling reinforced packaging materials and filed a patent application.

As paper, plastics, and aluminum foils are laminated and pressed, reinforced packaging is increasingly used in the packaging of food and medicine. Although reinforced packaging materials are characterized by their resistance to corrosion and freshness, the structural characteristics of such packaging have made their recycling a headache and their number in landfills has increased. The use of this new separation technology by researchers has made it possible to recycle the reinforced packaging material. They use a special chemical solvent to recover the three components of the package. After immersing the fortified bag in this solvent for two and a half minutes, the plastic, aluminum, and paper in the packaging material are divided into layers. The three components are then manually separated and the residual solvent is removed at high pressure. The three substances can be easily separated and recovered. This solvent is effective for any kind of paper and PVC plastic or polyethylene.

This technology is not only suitable for the packaging of recycled milk and juice, but also for thinner packaging such as salt, vacuum coffee and eggs. It is reported that currently researchers are still estimating the cost, this solution has not yet begun commercial production, but the cost of using this technology will not be very high, the solvent is not difficult to find raw materials.

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